Q: How do Register?

A: Click on post your ad or the account icon. You will be directed to the log in page. If you do not have an account click on register and enter your information. You’re all set.

Q: How do I create a sell ad?

A: Click on post your ad. Log in. Once logged in you will be directed to the ad creator. Here you will be able to upload pictures, set your price, and a description. Make sure you choose the “buy” category. Click on post and you will be directed to the check out page. Here you can pick from the options that best meets your needs. Your first 30 day ad is free.

Q: How do I create a rent ad?

A: Click on post your ad. Log in. From here you will be directed to the ad creator. From here you can upload pictures, set your price, terms, deposit amounts, and description. Make sure you click on the “rent” category. Click on post and you will be directed to the check out page. Here you can choose from the options that best meets your needs. Your first 30 day ad is free. 

Q: How will users be able to contact me regarding my ad?

A: When creating your ad you will be able to input your contact information. When users want to inquire about your ad they will be able to send you an email or call you if you choose to leave your phone number. From here you will be able to discuss details on inquiring your product.

Q: Will ads automatically renew?

A: No – all ads will need to be renewed. If you paid for a subscription the ad itself will need to be renewed every 30 days. However, the subscription allows users to run unlimited “featured” ads.

Q: What if something happens to the item I am renting?

A: This will need to be established between you and the rentee. In your ad you input your terms of service. ie insurance, age requirements, deposit amounts, etc. BeeRented is only a platform to connect users to meet their buying and renting needs and will not be held responsible for lost or damaged items.